Whether you are looking for inspiration or want to learn more about a spiritual thought system, A Course in Miracles has something for you. It teaches forgiveness as the way to inner peace and remembrance of your truth. un curso de milagros

One of the most popular topics in A Course in Miracles is death and its effects on the human mind. Here are a few quotes to help you think about it.

  1. What would you see?

For most people, the first thing they see when they wake up is their phone, computer, TV or some other electronic device. This can be bad for your health and wellbeing and may be a contributing factor to stress, sleep deprivation and depression. It also can wreak havoc on your brain and emotions the whole day and even cause some serious problems if you don’t properly manage it.

But what if you didn’t have any of that? What would you see if the universe was not a series of illusions created by the ego and you were free from its grip? You might not get to see a black hole or a galactic empire, but you might be able to observe some of the spherical marvels that science has discovered in its quest to understand this cosmic mystery.

You might be able to see the Unruh effect, which is the result of a small increase in temperature near the surface of empty space as something accelerates through it. This phenomenon, which is only possible near black holes, enables us to see photons and other particles swarming in what seems to be an otherworldly glow.

The best part about this phenomenon is that you don’t need to be a scientist to understand it. If you could just remember to look for it in your own life, you might be able to improve your health and well-being by simply looking in the right place at the right time. 2. What would you feel?

We all feel afraid of death, but knowing what it's like to die can help us prepare for the event. It can also help you understand what your loved ones may experience when they're dying, and make you a better caregiver as you care for them.

The most common thing people who've experienced a near-death experience say they felt when they woke up was a sense of comfort and peace. They've had visions of a peaceful place and felt they were ready to go. Some even said that they saw their departed loved ones and that they were happy to be gone.

Some people feel guilt and anger when they think about their deceased loved one, while others experience yearning or preoccupation with memories of their beloved. These feelings can be difficult to handle, but they're a normal part of the grieving process.

Researchers say that some people who are dying experience a slowing of breathing, irregular breaths, and an increase in heart rate. These symptoms can affect your cognitive abilities and make you feel disoriented and confused.

Another person who's been through a death experience says she feels sad when she wakes up. She doesn't feel depressed, but it's a low-level sadness that she can't shake. She tries to suppress it with positive emotions to prevent her from feeling depressed, but she knows that it's still there and that it can impact her day-to-day life.

It's worth taking a close look at what you're feeling when you wake up. It could be a warning sign that something is wrong, and it's time to figure out what's going on. 3. What would you think?

You might feel a little less like chopping off a limb or stabbing yourself in a vital organ, but generally speaking, your morning's first moments are pretty dismal.

It seems a bit different, though, from that movie about waking up and finding industrial smog on the other side of your window, waiting for you to kiss it on the cheek, as it slowly transforms into darker shades later in your life. It's hard to imagine that any human heart could be changed this way, but it happens, every day, in the great missionary work of Christ and His followers.

Those who follow the ego's thought system often believe that physical death brings freedom or release from the body. They are drawn to this belief because it is a strong temptation that the ego holds up to be desirable and sought after (and it is).

When a person dies, the mind does not leave its body; the mind stays inside the body. This makes it impossible for the mind to travel through a tunnel, meet with Jesus, and come away free from its limitations.

This is a very dangerous belief. It is one of the ego's primary strategies, to make the body real and repulsive so that people will not wish to leave it. It also serves the ego's need for conflict, which cannot be resolved until it is removed.

Rather than seeking to be free from the limitations of the body, A Course in Miracles teaches that peace and joy are found within your mind right now. Unlike physical death, which is a separation from your true self, enlightenment is an awareness of perfection that resides in your mind. 4. What would you fear?

When we wake up, we often think about what we need to do for the day. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and fear.